Three Step Stride

Holly Hoffman, CSP Introduces

Three Step Stride

Steps are important! The average American walks 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, or roughly 1.5 to 2 miles. It’s a good idea to find out how many steps a day you are taking, and it’s also a good idea to find out how many unnecessary steps you are taking. You may have to lengthen your stride to take only the steps that are needed in your life and in your profession. 

Additional Books

Write Yourself a Note

At the end of the day, unless I made a conscious effort to bring myself back to center and refocus, I found that often days I was just getting through the day to start the next one. That is not the way I want to live my life. 

This desire to live focused every day was my inspiration for Write Yourself a Note — both the speech and this book. I wanted to give people a simple tool they can rely on every day to refocus and reprioritize. In this book I offer encouragement, optimism, and a roadmap for self-discovery. I hope you find my methods — the ones I use every day in my own life — intuitive, honest, and adaptable to nearly any individual or situation. My goal for this book is to inspire you to consistently work towards a successful and fulfilling life for yourself.

Write Yourself a Note

Your Winner Within

Life is made up of challenges. And, often times we are faced with situations we perceive to be insurmountable. In those times of uncertainty, many of us lack the internal compass to guide ourselves back into the light. Our thoughts turn to the negative and we inadvertently use our fears and emotions to our own detriment. Conversely, it is the ability to focus our thoughts, emotions, and discipline to do so. 

Holly Hoffman’s book, Your Winner Within, not only offers encouragement and optimism, but a roadmap for self discovery and spiritual enlightenment. Her methods are intuitive, honest, and adaptable to nearly any situation. Best of all, the methods and ideas presented in this book are the very ones Holly uses herself, day-in and day-out to achieve success. You will receive the benefit of a lifetime of experience and the progressive evolution of her techniques to near perfection through the personal challenges faced in her own life.

About Holly

Holly Hoffman was the last remaining member of the Espada Tribe and the last woman standing on Season 21 of Survivor Nicaragua on CBS. Through that experience, and others throughout her life, Holly was inspired to share her message of positivity, determination and confidence. 

A professional speaker and the author of Your Winner Within and Write Yourself a Note, Holly acknowledges that life is made up of challenges, and we are often faced with situations that seem insurmountable. She inspires her audience to focus their thoughts, emotions, and energy towards success and shares the knowledge, tools, and discipline to achieve it.