Holly Hoffman was the last remaining member of the Espada Tribe and the last woman standing on Season 21 of Survivor Nicaragua on CBS. Through that experience, and others throughout her life, Holly was inspired to share her message of positivity, determination and confidence.
A professional speaker and the author of Three Step Stride, Your Winner Within and Write Yourself a Note, Holly acknowledges that life is made up of challenges, and we are often faced with situations that seem insurmountable. She inspires her audience to focus their thoughts, emotions, and energy towards success and shares the knowledge, tools, and discipline to achieve it.
As spring has arrived, I think of new beginnings. Spring, with its blooming flowers, warmer weather, and longer days, is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts. What is a new beginning? Starting fresh! Starting fresh gives you the chance to reevaluate your priorities and establish new habits and behaviors. There are many kinds…
I had the opportunity to share my program with a college women’s basketball team this month. I learned so much from being in their presence, and the number one thing I learned is how important it is to be resilient. This college team has been struggling all year long with challenges and personnel issues.
The start of a new year is always exciting and uplifting. I am not a big believer in New Year’s resolutions, because I feel you should set goals all year and not just start when a new year begins.
I’m back! The last few months have been very busy with traveling and work and I have not had much time to dedicate to my blog. That is why my word for this month is DESIRE! Motivation is what get’s you started. DESIRE and habit keep you going.
I had an experience this month that made me especially thankful. I was speaking in Albany, New York, and was then scheduled to fly to Minneapolis, Minnesota, for another appearance. Due to weather, my flight to Minneapolis was cancelled and I started to panic.
This month we’re talking about kindness. There is nothing as rewarding as giving back to others. It’s been proven that kindness has a domino effect. When one person stops to do something kind for another, those who witness the act are inspired to do the same.
As I sat and thought about the word to focus on this month, it didn’t take long to see that LOVE is in the air. When you think about love, what is the first thing that comes to mind? The one word that always comes to my mind is family. I am so proud to be the mother of three amazing children.
It’s time! One of my goals on this journey was to start a blog and share more of my experiences with you. I kept finding excuses for why I haven’t fulfilled this dream yet and I kept pushing it out of my mind. But that little voice in my head kept encouraging me to start writing, so here we are.